In the outskirts of Auckland, New Zealand, where rolling hills met the vast ocean, resided an elderly woman named Margaret. Her days at the tranquil retirement community were pleasant, but she longed for a deeper connection to her roots and the rich Maori heritage that had shaped her identity. Little
Category: service design
Silver diet from Gentle Foods
Food is the last thing on your mind after you go through Chemotherapy or any other major surgery. However, food is integral for recovery especially you are a senior (65+ yrs +). There are not many professionally delivered services to address this problem. My Gentle Foods is a Singapore-based organization
Jaga-Me catering to the Silver economy
Are you wondering is silver economy about the silver jewellery and gifts? Not really. It is a term used to indicate the potential for businesses to address the growing market of 65+ olds across the world. Though there are several be-spoke services provided to this customer segment, making it seamless,
Aboriginal arts in cancer centre
Have you ever considered the role of art in cancer care, and how it can benefit patients and their families? In recent years, cancer centers have increasingly integrated the arts into their treatment and support programs, recognizing the potential for art to provide emotional and psychological support to those undergoing
Double Diamond Interchange(DDI): Valuable innovation lessons for other industries
Globally, road intersections are the points where the probability of accidents is generally found to be on the higher side. Intersections, typically have crossing, merging and diverging conflict points leading to confusion amongst drivers. The situation gets worse when you add the increasing number of vehicles, quality of roads and
Innovate to suit user habits
There are many challenges in our day to day life. Most of them can be solved by bringing a little change in human behavior and habits. But human behaviors and habits are not easy to change. Though there are several approaches and techniques to people change management, there are several
Comics make boring legal contracts interesting
William Edwards Deming, the famous quality guru once said,”in God we trust, rest bring data”. Though most would agree with him there in one topic where I am happy to challenge him and make a claim without data to back up- ‘More than 98% of people never read the terms
Pricing Model innovation in success of Slack
Slack has really stormed the communication and collaboration market with their neat and clean messaging app.Their success story is phenomenal. One of the reasons attributed to their success is their simple and effective pricing model. Slack has realized the importance of billing simplicity and have come up with innovative Pricing
London Underground,Shoes,Water Kettle and Plimsoll Line
In the mid 1800’s one of the biggest challenges of shipping was the loss of lives and material due to overloading of ships. The growing public concern on this matter finally made the British Parliament to take it seriously and find a solution. Finally in 1875,a solution was implemented. The
Design thinking in US Army
Design thinking is the new buzz word going around industries.Simply described it is a problem solving or innovation approach to design solutions or products integrating the principles of human centered design to conventional methods. US Army has taken up the concepts of design thinking and integrate into your core operations