Innovate to suit user habits

There are many challenges in our day to day life. Most of them can be solved by bringing a little change in human behavior and habits. But human behaviors and habits are not easy to change. Though there are several approaches and techniques to people change management, there are several

Photocopier drum inspired by beer

A product innovation example offered in 1991 by Ikujiro Nonaka and Martin Kenney in the Journal of Engineering and Technology Management involved a key part of a photocopier — its drum. A team of engineers at Canon Inc. was considering how to redesign the drum in order to ease photocopiers’

Soccer robot inspired conveyor belt

German company, Celluveyor has invented a   conveying system with an omnidirectional drive technology for complex material handling tasks. Essentially, it is a conveyor belt with hexagon wheels which moves the materials in many directions and allows quick assembly. It removes the classic lean waste related to transportation and waiting time.

Product innovations inspired by unconventional sources

For years, several products have been designed by shapes and movements of animals (e.g cars) and patters of nature.But there are several product designs which continue to get inspired by unconventional sources like arts, weapons and more . Inspiration from Origami For years, one of the challenges for the economy